I love February! I love any opportunity to share with my family how much I love them, and what is better than a whole month dedicated to doing just that? I'm going to try to do something every day for someone in my family to let them know how much I love them and then blog about it, maybe post a picture or two. Somedays it might be something big, something small, a note, special dinner. You never know! And no, I'm not already behind since today is 2/2. I'll try blogging the next day, because sometimes, it might be too late in the day to blog or I might just forget. Ya'll know how I can be. :D
Yesterday, Liz was home sick and something I did for her was let her watch Hannah Montana. Might not sound very big to some, but I have a couple cooking and design shows I like to watch that happen to be on at the same time during the day and the time slot that Hannah is on after school is when the kids are usually busy with homework.
Don't forget to let some one in your life know you love and appreciate them today. You don't have to wait for a special occasion for it. Love is an every day thing!
I love February for the same reason! I'm fortunate enough to be able to have Valentine's Day for myself all the time :), but I love making cards & baking cupcakes & those sorts of things for other people. And I'm looking forward to your daily love updates! :)
Thanks Hilary! I'll try to remember to post. I'm also looking forward to your pictures!
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