Three years ago was the year Matt and I were going to strengthen and build our marriage stronger and lasting and it's been an amazing three years since then. Two years ago, it was smoking and as of December 1, I've been smoke free for two years. Last year, was going to be the year we found our family a church and we've not only found one that we all like, they have a women's group so I've made new friends! And this year?
This will be the year I lose 100 lbs.
I'm sure of it.
Really and seriously.
Because this year I'm ready. Because this year I have too. Because this year I'm really making everyone in my house help me. And because this year, we have a dog that has to be walked at least three times a day and there's no way you can walk that many times a day and not lose something! I'm either going to lose the weight or my sanity, we'll see!
We're already off to a good start. And what's even better than just me walking this new dog of ours, I managed to get all of us out there and we all walked the new trail at Tolt-McDonald Park. You should have seen Oscar trying to keep up with everyone! Remember, he's a toy poodle and for every step we took, he has to take at least 3 to keep up. And he's a mother-hen type, constantly stopping, looking back and herding everyone to keep us all together. And Jezebel, we've discovered is a homebody. Staying around the apartment, she seems OK with, but walking in the park? We have to almost drag her when we start out, but when we head home, she drags us.
I know some people might think I'm crazy for bringing home this dog, but after today, I will forever be grateful for New Years Eve and deciding to take home a dog instead of groceries. In the almost 4 days since then, we've spent more time doing family stuff than we have in the last month total. And not just us all out there walking the dog. When I woke up Friday morning, instead of Matt playing on his computer and the kids fighting over the Wii, Matt was playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii with the kids while Jezebel watched.
Maybe I'll lose 100 pounds, maybe I won't. But I know that in the trying, I'll end up doing something that is even better than losing the weight. My family is getting closer together and learning about each other and forming bonds that will hopefully aid us in the coming years as the kids become teenagers.
SMOOCHIES Ya'll! Have a fantabulous day!!!
1 comment:
Yay for that last paragraph! And yay for that 100 lb idea - let me know if you'd like a walking buddy :)
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