Please join us in welcoming the newest addition to our family, Jezebel! She's a two month old Spaniel mix. So far, she and Oscar are getting along great. Except when Jezebel tried to play with one of Oscar's squeaky toys. After that, he went around and gathered all of his toys and put them all in his crate, which she is too big to fit in.
I am such a gullible sap. The kids and I went to the grocery store to buy stuff for our traditional New Year's Eve celebration and there they were, two young men and a huge crate with a sign that said free puppies. If that wasn't bad enough, my kids volunteered to give up their New Year's Eve backwards day dinner if they could take one home. (On New Year's Eve, we have healthy food and snacks all day and then we have Ice Cream Sundaes for dinner.)
Oh and you can blame Matt for her name. He's been saying for MONTHS that he's going to get a female dog and name her Jezebel. So when the kids picked a girl from the two puppies that were left, they knew right away what her name would be.
She seems to get along great with the kids. :) They also seem to be learning that it's probably not a good idea to sit on the floor unless you're ready to play. :)
Happy New Year, M, C, E & E! Starting 2010 with a new puppy is so fun!! And I love your backwards day dinner idea - you come up with the most creative things! There was not a stitch of healthy anything around here yesterday :)
Thanks, Hilary! The Backwards Day Dinner is something we try to do three or four times a year and it all started when we babysat for our neighbor one New Years. She was kinda a party animal, and she and her ex had been having a lot of trouble with her poor daughter stuck in the middle, so I wanted to do something fun that would help cheer her up. It kinda stuck and then we started using it as a reward for the kids. Plus, when you're dieting, knowing that there's a day set aside for a not so diet friendly dinner makes it easier and I for one am less likely to cheat!
Hope you guys had a fantabulous New Years! May 2010 bring you many happy blessings!
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