First off, Ms Hilary.... I would LOVE a walking buddy! Right now we're down one vehicle, but I have the car on most Fridays and hopefully, Mondays. Even if we met once a month, I would love the company!
Next, being down one vehicle... Matt has always wanted a jeep and when the finances and opportunity all fell in together, we got what we thought was a real good jeep. You know what they say about too good to be true? Yup... There were a lot of things wrong that we couldn't see without really getting in there, taking things apart, getting under things. I really want to believe that they guy we bought it from didn't know enough about cars (especially jeeps) to notice these things. So far, nothing is unfixable. In fact, Matt has done a lot to fix some of the small problems. Now we're at the point we need to wait and save to fix the rest. Unfortunately, what's left to fix is stuff that needs to be done before Matt can use it as a daily driver. I might get to use my car on Mondays, but we'll have to see. Please keep us in your prayers... I miss being able to go places when the kids are at school.
And then there's Jezebel. (Can I cry over this one?) Our apartment manager was all for us getting a second furry family member, and when she first met Jezebel, all was well. But the longer we had her, the more we noticed things. We started to think that not only was she older than we were told, she was also somewhat under fed. She should have had some kind of reaction to me changing her food and she didn't. Also a puppy is very curious, so she should have been a little more sociable on our walks than she was. More than once she would cower and hide. Hiding I could understand... the cowering not so much.
I knew she was more than likely mixed with a Pit Bull, even though I didn't want to admit it. Pit Bulls can be very sociable dogs if trained right, and we were working with her a lot. But Pit Bulls are one of the few breeds that aren't allowed in our apartment community because even a very sociable, well trained Pit Bull can become dangerous if they think their person is being threatened. We all came to the mutual decision to find a new home for her, because there are 11 (and a half, one of the neighbors is pregnant) young children in the community, and we didn't want to chance her lashing at one of them because they were playing with our kids or me.
I'm sad because like Oscar, Jezebel was my daily play partner. And Oscar was enjoying a new playmate. I think he really missed having another furry family member around. It's been a long time since Oscar wanted to play more than once a day, and with Jezebel, whenever she wanted to play, he would get in there and join her for a few minutes. Oscar and I are still walking the trail, but it's just not as much fun. Maybe we'll look at getting another furry friend soon. We'll see.
I'm working with Liz's class as their Art Docent. It's fun seeing 5th graders get involved with art projects. 5th graders tend to want to grow up fast, and pretend to not like doing things like art. It's fun seeing their creativity come out. Last week we made a mock paper crazy quilt. Really, it was simply pictures that they drew about themselves, their likes and dislikes, things that made them unique. Just a very simple way to celebrate MLK, Jr Day and the diversity that makes us all Americans.
Hopefully, Matt will let me have the car on Mondays starting next week. The church we've been going to doesn't have an adult Sunday School program, but they have a wonderful small group system. Last small group cycle, I found a Lady's Bible Study with some very friendly women that I really enjoyed and they will start a new cycle next Monday. There's a couple more groups that I hope we can get involved in, one for couples that is a church wide thing with multiple groups all doing the same study, and one (or two) for Matt. The one for couples, everyone's kids play while the adults focus on the study. One of the ones for Matt meets twice a month on Saturday mornings is called Garage Time. They meet and fellowship while they fix things. How cool is that for a guy who likes to tinker around in the garage? Kudos to whoever thought of that one!
I've been working on a new scrapbook project for this year. Last year, my favorite scrapbook artist came up with something called Project 365 through the scrapbook publication she worked for. The basic principle was to take a picture of something in your daily life once a day, every day. The kit had everything you needed to document a year in your life, from title blocks to journalling blocks, to something easy and decorated for each week. They seriously under estimated the demand for such a product and it turned into a debacle. (Check it out, I'm using my sister's favorite word. hehe)
Well, since then, the artist has left the publication team she was working with and has started her own business with the same concept. She's named it Project Life and it is awesome! And this kit is soooo much better than last years, in my opinion. Plus, it's not as limited as last year's kit AND she hopes to have a variation of the kit available every year. Also if you're a digi scrapper, she's working on getting a digital version out there for you. I'm a paper scrapper through and through and I have to say, I sooooo can't wait to order my kit! I decided to start taking my pictures on Feb 1st and will be ready when I can order my kit. I'm so excited!
Here's a link to Project Life so you can see what I'm talking about. She's in the process of moving her ordering and shipping process and it will be available for order again soon. This link will just give you and over view of the product and what each kit includes.
Matt is enjoying his work, expanding his already amazing computer and communications knowledge. And the kids still amaze me at how quickly they keep changing. Liz is growing so fast, going from the little girl who would spend HOURS a day playing with dolls and Barbies to a young woman who worries about what to wear tomorrow and her hair. She still has her Barbie moments, but now instead of her providing the music, it's now her IPod and speakers. Eli is still really shy, but is branching out. Matt dared him to go to Sunday School a few weeks ago and learn the name of someone new and something cool about them. I was surprised when he did it!
Pretty much that's all the going ons in our family for right now. So I'll just say: Smoochies Ya'll! I hope you have a fantabulous day! And I'll try to remember to blog again soon.
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