Happy thanksgiving one and all!!!! And we of course can't forget halloween and a few other crazy things we've been up too. See... I've been a lazy blogger the last month or so. I honestly forgot to set time aside to fill ya'll in on our activities. So, along with wishing you a happy and delicious food filled Thanksgiving, I'll fill you in with a few things we've been up to lately.
This summer, Matt and I (with help from Amber, who suggested I look at churches affiliated with the one she had gone to in VA) found a church close to us that we've been attending and enjoying. One that's not to small to give Matt the he-be-ge-bees and not to big to freak me out... as long as we're at the Saturday night services. :p It's got a pretty good kids program and I've been having a blast with the ladies Bible study I've been going to.
Well, this year, Halloween was on a Saturday and so the kids dressed up in their costumes and we went to Saturday service. Eli was a gladiator and Liz was Cleopatra (or, if you asked her, an Egyptian Princess.) Check them out! :p

Poor Liz is at that stage where finding close that fit her is just torture. She's tall and thin, but unlike most of the girls in her class, her curves are filling out and they just don't make clothes for her age that are cut right to fit curves... including costumes. We found this one and while I'm sure the next size would have fit better, the store didn't have one. I still think she looked adorable!

And poor Eli! If you follow me on Facebook, you know that Eli had that H1N1 flu and then pneumonia. Well, he started Halloween day feeling fine and then when we were driving home after church, he looked at Matt and I and said he didn't want to go Trick-or-Treating. We knew something was wrong then. But even then, he made one cute... er excuse me... Fierce looking Gladiator! (We left the weapon at home since we were going to church.)

Shortly after Eli was on the up and up and started feeling better, we went out to the garage to look for some books I had boxed up and I found a box of the kids Stuffies (stuffed animals). You know the latest rage (that seems to be dying out?) Webkinz? Well, awhile back (last year at the Black Friday sale at Ben Franklins) I got both kids two each and Eli's were in the box we found. We brought them in and he set them on the arm of the couch... totally not intending to make them pose this way, but everyone thought it was absolutely adorable that the Webkinz were smooching.

So now we're mainly caught up with holidays and crazy stuff and on to the last photo, Thanksgiving!!! In this last photo of Matt and the kids, we sat down to eat the first
full turkey dinner I've made in almost 9 years... we usually have something
not guaranteed to put a 3rd shift worker to sleep on the job, but Matt doesn't work 3rd shift anymore. (A few times, I've had turkey breast of some kind for Eli since it's his favorite.) I wanted the kids to really appreciate everything we have to be thankful for this year, starting with Matt's job at TCS, so I asked around the table for everyone to tell us the biggest thing they are grateful for this year. When Matt sat down, he shifted his chair so that I could get around and dish out the food and that's when Oscar decided to join us. Oscar, our toy poodle who is in serious need of a visit to the groomer, has this habit of jumping in Matt's lap whenever he moves his desk chair back far enough. However, Oscar has
never tried it at the dinner table. Apparently, the turkey was too tempting for Oscar to resist the chair hopping this time!

I hope that all of you have a safe and wonderful day and have plenty to be thankful for this year. For us, we're all so very thankful for God providing us with employment, health and home. May you hold all of God's blessings close so that you remember all His love.
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