Sunday, February 1, 2009


We're watching the Super Bowl... not a big deal in our house since I'm the only real football fan. And I wasn't all the excited this year since my team, the Seahawks, didn't make it. But then I heard that their former coach, Mike Holmgren, would be commentating. I thought, 'Ok, I'll check it out.'

Did you see that play?!?!?!?! Right before the halftime? Pittsburgh made a 100 yard touch down. I will so be looking for a picture to represent today in my Project 365! Can you believe it? Wow. 

Ok, so I'll be back later, after the game or after the kids go to bed.... This wasn't really all that I had thought about writing for today, but you have to give kudos to a 100 yard touchdown... Wow!

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