Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ok, so I'm a day late....

I'm always late for something at least once a week, and well... I guess this week, my blog was the late thing.

So before I tell you about the rest of my very uneventful week, I'm gonna tell you something cool! An announcement really. I'm so very excited!

I started my blog for a couple of reasons... one of the major ones being because my family and friends are so spread out over the US and I am horrible at writing, calling, or emailing, I figured this way I could share my household everyday lives with them. Amber, my baby sister is not only one of the people I blog about, she's also my very best friend. (Don't think I've ever mentioned that to her before, but she is.)

My sister is an amazing woman. She's a mom of three, wife to a Navy Musician, and a non-profit consultant. She mentioned to me a while back that maybe one day she would start a blog of her own. We have both found mine such a great tool in keeping our family updated on the comings and goings of my silly group of 4 out here. What a great way to keep us updated on her family, right? Only problem was that she just didn't have the time. Well... Now she does!

Amber has started her own blog right here on blogspot! It's called Everyday Christian Mom and you can find the link over there~~~~>. In my family and friends blog link section. Sorry... I don't have a lot of family and friends that have blogs, so the list is really short. Easier to find the links! Woot! I'm so excited because now I'll know if she's still breathing, as well as get to hear the cool things that happen in her life with her growing munchkins! (Wow, btw.... Check out the great picture she has up. Her daughters look so much like her, and her son so much like his dad.) Be sure to check it out!

Well, I said I was going to post some stuff about what happened this week in our house, but aside from the lice battle and my sisters blog debut... I'm really boring! Nothing really happened. Monday I spent in bed with a migraine, Tuesday I spent thinking it was Monday, Wednesday I read a book, Thursday I was going to write and Friday I was going to scrap. Instead I spent Thursday and Friday fighting my own war with those evil little lice devils. Saturday I spent all day playing little games with Eli while we waited to see if his best friend Tucker would be able to come and visit.

This week, I plan on posting a scrapbook layout for a challenge over on Becky Fleck's Page|Maps ( The challenge is for Breast Cancer Awareness month, although it doesn't have to be about Breast Cancer, but about something meaningful. I already know what I plan on doing mine about, the challenge involves one of Becky's AWESOME sketches, all I need to do is hunt down my pictures. It's gonna be about my kids and a donation they gave a couple years ago. The deadline is a week from tomorrow, so I guess I better get with it. 

I might not post for a couple days. I have to read Brisinger so that Eli can start reading the series. Yes, I said Eli, my 8 yr old. He is becoming a great reader and loves science fiction stuff. So After I read Brisinger, he is going to read the series to me. He's excited cause he loves the movie. It won't take me long to read the book, but the other thing I have to do this week is light a fire under Sissy's backside. She has a book report/ project due Thursday. Thank goodness she finished reading the book Friday, now she just has to write the summery and do the project. I think she's doing a diarama about a Christmas scene toward the end. (I'm such a mean Mommy. I read her book one night and didn't tell her. Instead I told her she had to do a scene toward the end of the book... and that I would know if she really read it cause I'm a magic Mommy!) Eli loves to read, and I know I won't ever have issues with him, but Sissy.... It took her 2 months to read this 153 page book. Just a little insight to what our future may look like.

Well... since I have so much to do, I guess I better sign off for today. Remember to check out Amber's blog. her first post will give you and idea on what to look forward to in the future. Look for my scrapbook layout post sometime this week, and hopefully I'll be able to post a victory message about Sissy's finished project Wednesday night.


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