Thursday, December 19, 2013

Six days til Christmas....

And I am soooooooo not ready.

We found the stockings. They aren't hung, but the box they were in isn't in the garage anymore, but in my living room.

We just put our tree up. It's not completely decorated, but its up, with the lights and paper garland. and I'm seriously tempted to call it good.

Matt is actually 75% done with his gift shopping. I have about 5 gifts ready to go but not for people in the house. I haven't even started shopping for Matt and the kids. And I finally finished making the cards today. They aren't ready to mail, but they're finished and ready to address. Now if I can remember to mail the gifts I have and cards, I'll be happy.

The Mistletoe star is on the door. The rest of the door decorations are still in the box... next to the stockings.

I'm not even going to get into the baking that I haven't even thought about starting. Or the groceries I haven't bought for the dinner I don't know if we're going to or having.

I've been having moments of panic because I am not ready for Christmas. I have been having moments of low self esteem because I'm not prepared. And there have been moments that I'm not feeling the holiday spirit.

And then I was reminded of something I wrote in 2008. I hate to admit that it's been a while since I reposted it, read it, or even thought about it. So I'm going to share it with you again, along with the wish for a happy and joyous moment sharing the holidays with your families and that you remember the true reason for the season.

Twas a week before Christmas and all through the house,
Mommy was freaking, and not from a mouse.
The stockings were out, hung by the tree with care,
Mommy was wondering what she will put in there.

The truck was secure, all snug in it's spot,
Since there was no driving out of our parking lot.
Daddy sat with us, giving his computer a break,
While we watched a movie about the Grinch, what a snake.

Out in the yard, the snow and ice froze,
"Bundle up!" the advice, "So you don't freeze your nose!"
Hot cider, and cocoa, and movies we shared,
Warm and cozy with family, the cold weather we fared.

The snow fell all day, oh how it accumulated,
Until Daddy and the kids were totally elated.
While Mommy she wasn't nearly as excited,
Since the amount of gifts 'neath the tree was truly short sighted.

She worried about the kids on Christmas being upset,
And thought about tears making their jammies all wet.
Until Little Lizzie Sue so sweet and sincere,
Reminded Mommy the true reason for holiday cheer.

"A Child was born, a long time ago,
In a stable since there was no where for His parents to go.
To save the whole world He was laid in a manger so low,
Not for presents and gifts or a fancy home's light show.

Great purpose He had and to us they still teach,
The reason He came at church they still preach.
But so many miss it, so busy they are,
Rushing here and there, sometimes to never even leave the car!

So consumed we are with finding the perfect present,
We often forget and to God it must be extremely unpleasant.
His own Son He gave, the perfect sacrifice,
The only way for us to gain eternal life.

So don't worry to much about the gifts, Mommy,
No need to be so sad or feel sorry.
For you taught us the real reason,
For celebrating this season."

So stop what your doing, put those gift lists away.
Take a moment to remember why we have this holiday.
Open your hearts and get ready to listen,
To the story of Jesus and His holy mission.

The true Son of God, our Lord on high above
Sent to save us and teach us with unending love.
He lived as a human, just like me and you,
A challenge He faced, so much to do!

Temptations He faced, just like everyone will,
All in preparation to journey up that hill.
His life He laid down, forgiveness He pleaded,
From his Father for us, it was what was needed.

Three days he lay dead in a grave so hollow,
With His resurrection, to eternity He gave us a way to follow.
Our sins we confess, God's truth we believe,
Through His son, Jesus Christ, our earthly suffering relieved.

So as we rush here and there in the snow and the ice,
I feel I should say it would be quite nice,
If we remembered the truth and the reason,
Jesus Christ is why we celebrate this season.

Merry Christmas and SMOOCHIES Y'ALL!!!

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