Thursday, July 26, 2012

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship..... Vacation part 1!

Weird title, I know. I think it's from a Disney show, the Little Einstiens. But I do believe that was our unofficial theme song for our trip to Germany and Holland and back again. We've been back a week now and I know I'm behind with posting my blog about the trip... Sorry about that. You know how it is when you come back from a vacation and you have a ton of stuff to do to settle in afterwards? Well, remember we've essentially got two families that needed to do all that, plus Amber and Chris both went back to work, and I went back to school. I have one word about how it's been the last week... Crazy! I'm going to do my best, but I think because of the amount of stuff I want to share, I'm going to do this in stages. Remember, I just returned to school and my brain sometimes goes off track with writing assignments and discussions and all that. While I'm sharing stuff, I'm sure I'll get some of the details wrong, and spell something horribly wrong, but thubbbbbbt.

Anyhow! Here we go!

This was our faithful chariot for our cross-continent adventure, lovingly dubbed "Our Favorite Rocket Ship" by Amber. (Hence the title... and the them song.)Yes, it's an RV... and mind you... in Europe, they don't have the large vehicles we are accustomed to seeing. There are larger models on the market here, but according to Chris, this was the biggest one we could get since in Italy, there are length restrictions. I think I have another picture somewhere of about how long this is. Sleeps 7... we had 8. We made it work. :D

 Our first night was spent at a beautiful Agritourismo in Italy. If I remember correctly, Amber says that an agritourismo combines agriculture with tourism, like a resturaunt and B&B (or campground in our case) on a farm... they use everything they grow or produce in their business. We had a fantastic dinner with fresh ingredients and fresh milk the next morning, still warm from being processed.

While wondering around before we left, there was an area that had lots of old farm equipment and it was beautiful. (I like that kind of thing! :P) Before we left the states, Matt got me a little point and shoot camera and it has a feature that allows you to do those neat B&W photos with one color highlighted... when I saw this collection of farm equipment I had to give it a try because most of it was a weathered grey or brown, but among the things, there was a vivid blue wagon. I think I might blow this picture up and frame it. Just saying.

The next night's stay was in Bellinzona, Switzerland. Castlegrande is located high above the town overlooking the valley, Montebello castle is located toward the east of Bellinzona's town center. The walls for these two castles protect the area and can be encountered throughout and seen as the foundations of the city. The third castle, Sasso Corbaro is isolated from the other two and not connected to the walls.  The area was absolutely stunning! Even from an RV under the bridge near a river.... :D

OK... I think that's enough pictures and story for this first installment of our European adventure. Well, ok I don't think it, but for some reason my computer doesn't want to upload anymore right now, so I guess I'll do some more tomorrow. :D


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