Sunday, June 17, 2012

We're here!

We made it to Italy! I think we are so blessed because 1) We made it without any MAJOR catastrophes. (I'll tell ya about the minor ones later.) 2) We're in Italy, with my sister, and my nieces and nephew are so stinking cute! (Really, can it get any better than that, if you don't count the fact that Matt isn't with us?) 3) The kids seem to be adjusting well... either that or the time change and jet lag haven't caught up to them yet. (Seriously, no fighting kicking and screaming on their part just yet. I'll keep ya posted on that much.)

So Thursday pretty much started off as the saddest day of the month for me. Because my baby went to his last day as an elementary school student. (sniff sniff tear tear). Us leaving meant he missed out on his school's move-up ceremony, but that's OK. He doesn't know it yet, but I think this afternoon there's plans for us to have one just for him.

All morning long while the kids were at school and Matt and I were doing last minute packing and stuff, you could find Oscar trying desperately to hide in Lizzie's carryn-on. Both dogs knew something was up and not only was Oscar trying to sneak into the bags, Rtoo was whining and pacing. It was sad.

Then the fun began. Eli wanted to take pictures while we were on the tram at SeaTac only he was to terrified to let go of the hand rail. But dude was giggling the whole way! Then we found the coffee and snacks in the terminal. Can we say kiddo after my own heart? Coffee cake and a strawberry smoothie. And more giggles and grins. Liz was being anti-photograph friendly, but her response to the tram was similar.
And tell me how he does this? The kid can sleep anywhere! Eli slept for a couple hours, at least until the people a few rows up realized that 1) the entire time we'd been in the air (6 hours at the point) the sun had been up and 2) we were over Greenland and the snow and ice was an awesome sight, so they opened their windows, which made the guys in front of us open windows and they guy behind us did the same.  
Liz's seat was across the isle from us with two little girls who immediately fell in love with her (my daughter knows no stranger when it comes to kids). At one point I looked over and found the three of them using each other as pillows. It was cute.
Remember when I said I would tell you about the minor catastrophes? They started with my kids being picked for the random screen test... which  meant I was picked for the random screen test since they don't screen kids at SeaTac. Then the plane we needed to get to Germany being late, so we boarded and left about 30-45 minutes late. Which meant we got to Frankfurt late... have you ever seen that freaking airport? We had to run for 2 miles to get to customs another trip through security (that I got picked for ANOTHER random screen test). Then there was the mile we had to run from the security check to our gate. And at some point I landed wrong on my right foot and it's been a little swollen. Oh and the flight from Seattle to Frankfurt, the seats are not designed for people with my tushie.

But Lufthansa made up for it. Seriously. The seats were just fine! And we all got to sit together. And it was fun watching my kids see Germany from the air. Eli got the window seat from Seattle to Germany, Sis got the one from Germany to Italy.
And then it was all made worth it when I got to hug my sister. Even the trip to her home was made worth it. I have a feeling Amber is going to get irritated with me harping on the traffic, but I was proud of the fact that I didn't freak out and start screaming about how we were all going to die when her friend (who came along to make sure she didn't get lost in Rome) started driving 90 MPH. And don't even get me started on the whole lane, passing, and line thing.

And Matt! I'm so proud of him! He's been cooking his own food and posting pictures for me on facebook. He even used the oven and the cast iron skillet! Seriously, the only major worry I had about leaving home for so long was that he would do something weird and the stove would blow up and he would starve or something. And I'm not even going to ask how my cast iron pan fared after his first attempt at making bacon and eggs, because seriously... when he masters that, it means I don't have to make another fried egg sammie, so I'm willing to replace the pan if I have to! (Love you hunny!)

Ok Ya'll.... Part one of the epic summer vacation is done and we're all getting ready to go to the local market.



Connie said...

Sounds like you 3 are adjusting well to Italy! I was wondering how the kids would do with the time change......Keep posting info. It's fun knowing that you're only a click away! Love you!

Daisy said...

Love you too, Connie. The kids send you lots of love, hugs, kisses, and noses. They miss ya'll, but they're doing awesome! I'm thinking that it really helped that we flew at night and they didn't get a full 8 hours until we got here.

We went exploring today and I can't wait to post the pictures... I'm thinking maybe I'll do a post regularly on Mondays for now, since we plan on doing more exploring on the weekends.

Love you!