Just to do a quick fill in before I go figure out why the Dyson doesn't want to do it's assigned job. February and my Month of Love Notes ended on a lovely note, even though the kids were both sick and Matt needed an emergency visit to the dentist. Somewhere along the line, Matt figured out what I was doing and gave me a few love notes himself.
So far, March has been busy with book reports and Science Fairs. Yes, those are my kids responsibilities, but you know a mom does a lot of work too when a project involves arts and crafts and making a mess... or in the case of my kids science projects involving cookies, a lot of baking.
This past weekend, Matt and Eli went to a meet and greet for the group Matt plays WoW with. Sis and I went shopping and got a few things to "girl-i-fy" me. (Another quote from Sis... who thinks that my sweats and t-shirts uniform has got to go.) Don't tell her, but I really like the necklaces and the pair of wedges heals we picked out. Now I just need an excuse to wear them. Because seriously? Can you see me walking the dog in a pair of wedge heals? I got a couple t-shirts that are a lot dressier than a typical t-shirt, and I even have jeans that would look good with the heals. I have the complete outfit.... just no where to wear it too. We'll think of that part later. (At least that's what Sis says. :P) Oh and Matt's meet and greet? I'll post a picture maybe sometime later.
Anyhow... that pretty much sums up the going ons of the Mullins Family since my last post. Being sick, aching teeth, silly kids, Mom wearing jewelry, Dad playing WoW, kids playing around and waiting til the last minute to do their projects. A typical few weeks if you ask me. (Except for the whole jewelry thing.... I usually only wear my wedding ring and earrings.)
SMOOCHIES and I miss ya'll!
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