Thursday, March 12, 2009


So to fill you guys in on what's been going on around our house... 

On Monday night, Matt was fired from his job. I'm not going into details, but we were not prepared for this turn of events in our home. Neither were his co-workers, but those are his details to share, not mine. I am terrified. I don't have the skills to support our family, and I've been a stay-at-home mom for the last 2 years. Before that, I worked part time. But as he looks for another job, I feel so awful that I can't contribute, beyond a prayer and encouragement.

On Tuesday, Matt did something that makes me unbelievably proud of him. He could have spent Tuesday in bed, depressed. I even told him I would understand if he did. Instead, he got up even before me and had his resume out, updated and had applied for three or four different positions posted online.

On Wednesday, I received an email from my favorite craft store and while I was cruising their sight, I saw a job in their Scrapbooking and Rubber Stamping department. Matt encouraged me to build a resume of my own and apply for the position. So all afternoon, I worked on one. A former co-worker of Matt's gave the contract company he works through Matt's phone number and Matt had an appointment for this morning.

Today, Matt had his meeting, and later took me to the craft store and I filled out an application and left my resume. I dressed in my nice dark jeans and a fancy shirt, and when the lady behind the counter took the papers from me, she looked me over from head to toe, and had me wait while she stuck a post-it note with the words "Call this person!!!!" onto my application and told me she was impressed on sight. Three hours later, they called me for an interview. 

I am terrified. My last two jobs kinda fell into my lap, a case of me being at the right place at the right time. And unfortunately, the dress code for both was extremely casual... One of them, I was even required to wear sweats. I only own one nice outfit, and I wore that today when I dropped off my resume. So this evening, we made a mad dash to Target in hopes that we could find something for me to wear. God is watching us! They had ONE pair of pants in my size, on sale 30% off the clearance price. And a pair of comfortable dressy shoes, again 30% off the clearance price. 

Now tomorrow morning is my interview. Pray for me, please. I know that a part time job won't be nearly enough to support my family, but for now, every little bit helps and I am so happy that I have an opportunity to help Matt. And what better place for me than in a Scrapbooking Department?!?!

Smoochies ya'll! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck !!!