Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The things they say!!!

OK, so I know I said I wouldn't be posting until later this week, but Elizabeth just said the most honest (and to a point) funniest thing just now. I just had to share it.

See, Sissy has been reading this book for a book report, Christmas After All: The Great Depression Diary of Minnie Swift. It's exactly what the title says, a diary (fictional) written by a little girl during the holiday season during the first year of the Great Depression. Well, after she was all done reading it, we were discussing it so that she could write a summary about it. And she had a few questions about why someone in the book died (shot himself), and exactly what the Great Depression was. Given the nations current financial state, Matt and I thought it would be a good idea to answer her questions and explain what's going on now with our economy.

We tried to explain it in extremely simple terms, but I honestly didn't think it would sink in.... I mean she's only 10. She keeps her savings in her piggy bank. (It's actually a lion she named Ferocious, but that's another story.) Both Matt and I try to keep the news that the kids see limited to a local spectrum. Matt gets enough of it at work and if I need to know something he tells me. Maybe not the smartest plan, but I worry to much if I know everything going on and have been known to go into near panic attacks.

One of the analogies we used was about businesses closing... how if all the people living in Carnation lost their jobs, then we wouldn't have money to shop at QFC. If no one shopped at QFC, then they would have to close their doors. And on down the line... Again, didn't think it would sink in, and I wasn't sure she caught the connections (we explained more, this was just one of the analogies we used.).

Well, I went to the store today and bought a few things for lunches. One of our favorite lunch treats are those frosted circus cookies made by Mothers Cookies. There were little notices about how Mothers Cookies had closed it's doors and what they had in stock was all they were getting. I was telling Matt and Sissy about this just now and Elizabeth looked at me and said:

"Wow... this really is the start of a 2nd Great Depression... because that was just really depressing!!!" Yeah... don't think it sunk in, but at least she was smiling while she said, so I know she was kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They do say the darndest things don't they? What a funny story, and how Elizabeth is growing up!