Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day!

Welcome to my brand new blog! A unique, and hopefully funny insight into a usually dysfunctional family of 4 people and 1 dog crammed into an apartment tighter than a can of sardines!! *For real... there is less than 800 sqft of actual living space. And only one bathroom!*

My spelling is sometimes awful, my grammer sucks, my writing is scary and when I add pictures, they are in no way professional quality. And if I ever get brave and add a scrapbook layout or two... well, those aren't professional either. I do it anyway. How else will people see through my silent eyes unless I share?

But I will warn you now... I have issues. I am the Queen of my House. All who reside here bow to my will! Actually I only wish they did. Matt pays the bills, and the kids think they rule the roost. I'm just here to do everything else.

I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time. I live on the west coast, and the rest of my family is scattered. I wanted a way to keep them updated about us because although I write to everyone at least once a month... I never seem to make it to the post office. Seriously. When we were moving into this apartment, we found a box that had been in the storage area of our last home. It had Christmas cards from the last 6 years inside. All set and ready to go, newsletters and everything. I just never made it to the post office, and each year, around Easter, I added the cards I forgot to mail again... *Yes. Most of this years cards are in that box now, too!!! A couple actually made it to their destinations.*

What finally got me started was the scrapbook message board I frequent. The ladies there laugh, cry, defend, vent to and challenge each other. They are awsome. Matt challenged me last month to step out of my shell and join the board and participate instead of lurking as I have been for a very long time. So I did. And I got challenged. :p

Each month, from what I've learned, there is at least one challenge. *I've noticed a couple different ones started today.* This month one of them is to take a picture a day and post it or a link to it. Well, I take a picture a day anyway. My problem is sharing them. Every now and then I get LUCKY and take an awsome picture... but usually... Nope. It's blurry, fuzzy, shadowy, grainy or I've chopped off half a person here, a head there, a foot or two... you get what I mean. I hate my lack of photography skills. My baby sister is an AWSOME photographer. Matter of fact, the last time hubby willingly sat for a family portrait, she was behind the camera and they came out AMAZING!!!

But photo skills aside, I posted my picutres for today. I couldn't pick one. The two pictures I posted today are from today, 5/1/08. Today is May Day, Save the Rhino Day, Loyalty Day, Mother Goose Day, and Space Day. :p The one of Eli, my son is him hugging his most Loyal friend. My daughter Elizabeth, more than likely reffered to here on out as Sissy, gave me that lovely face when I smiled at her, hugged her, and told her *Happy Save the Rhinos Day!!* Enjoy!!



scrappyhappy08 said...

I'm leaving you your first blog comment! Cute pics!! And I love your honesty!! :)

Monkdabutt said...

Don't worry about grammar or spelling. Mine aren't the best either. I love that little red line under words. Just express yourself and enjoy it.

Mama Dragon said...

Hmmm so am i am supposed to write something after the first beep or the last? Just thought I would ask since that wasnt clear in the message... MWAHAHAH...

good luck with keeping it updated... I always love to read what you got :)~

Hilary said...

It's true, nobody cares about grammar or spelling or sometimes blurry pictures! We just like tohear from you :)