Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Great Computer Switch! happy weekend!

I'm sitting here typing, trying very hard not to do a happy dance that is too noticeable. Matt is pouting. He had a MacBook Pro laptop, and I have been using his old custom built gaming computer. We made the decision based on computer performance that he plays to much WoW for him to continue using the MacBook as his main computer. And I don't understand enough about PC's to continue using his gaming computer. So we switched. . He's waited for years to own any form of Apple computer and was so excited to get this. And I LOVED my old MacBook, but circumstances led to me having to sell it a few years back. We made the right decision in trading, but Matt still pouts.  Although I do believe he's only doing so for appearances. And I found it easier to work on my pictures and short stories when I had a Mac... so now I'm extremely happy!

I'm still in the learning phase of this laptop, mainly the mouse. I can't seem to get the mouse to want to right or left click, but then I haven't spent a lot of time with it since the switch. But somethings, I'm remembering from trial and error and it's like riding a bike. :) Last night after the *great computer switch* I spent a few hours finding and bookmarking all my favorite websites, and then today I did a 6 hr scrapbook crop. 

And OH!!! I can't wait to put pictures in this thing! Last night, Eli and were playing with the Photo Both feature... that was a lot of fun! The next thing I have to learn is how to add pictures here on the blog. I keep hitting the button for adding a picture and nothing is happening so I'll work on figuring that out tomorrow an this week. I have really missed the ease of Apple's photo editing! I know my scrap booking will increase because of *the great computer switch*

I used to do a lot of writing, and for the past few years it hasn't been the easiest and I have suffered one HUGE writers block. Last night however, I kept waking up with ideas and wanting to get up out of bed to type them out. If writing were my paid career, I would have. Instead, I wrote a few things in my notebook by the bed, rolled over went to sleep and did it all over again. I can't wait to write the story running around in my head! 

See why I'm happy dancing? And Matt still pouts! :) Only since he has spent the majority of his free time raiding some imaginary village in WoW today, I still think it's all for appearances. :P

Anyway, I didn't want anyone to think I had abandoned my POTD4M or my blog, so I decided to post one or two things... The best being this:
Today is World No Tobacco Day. And I have been Tobacco Free for 7 months tomorrow! YAY!!! I need a cookie!

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