Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What do you do when the weather reaches below freezing?

We bundle up, cuddle up, and wait for the extra two hours before we can go to school!!! Matt came home from work this morning, and it woke up me and Sissy. Hoping I could have an extra hour or so of sleep, I ran to check my computer and the school's weather delay. Sissy ran to the couch with her snuggle blankie to watch the only TV allowed to the kids until Saturday. (Her blankie is the green one on the floor in picture #1.) While I was getting ready to go back to my blankie cocoon, Eli woke up and Daddy sent him back to his room to get his blankie... Eli decided he and Sissy needed the big blankie. I couldn't resist getting these pictures!

Eli is the one withe the blankie over his almost bald head. We cut it this last weekend, not expecting it to be THIS cold, poor little dude!

Hope ya'll manage to stay warm. Love ya!!!!! PS: We went out to the garage late, after my last post, and guess what we found? My Mama's Nativity!!!!!  Pictures when I remember to take them!


Unknown said...

Awwww they look so cute and snuggly!
Everyday Christian Mom

Anonymous said...

These are the hardships you, as parents experience, but these are also the hardships that your children remember because you made them fun!