Thursday, November 13, 2008

Some Flooded River Pictures:

Just wanted to share a few shots of what the Rivers by our house looked like. Clockwise starting at the top left corner: 1) The Red Picnic Barn was totally under water last night. Today we were stand in it. 2) Looking out over what usually is a play area for the Picnic Barn, but today serves as part of the River. 3) Matt and Sissy standing at the edge of the river. Again, Usually the Barn' play yard. 4) Looking out on the river at what is usually the RV Camp's shower and bathroom. Click the picture and look closely, you can se how high the water was last night. 5) The kids thought it was totally awesome to stand on the sidewalk, and still be standing in the river.  (PS When I posted this, the picture order rearranged. I think you have to flip 4 & 5.)

Sissy was being extremely dramatic, but she said something that makes ya stop and think. It's amazing how the same river can be so shallow at some points over the summer months that you can almost walk all the way across, and just a few short months later, be so swollen it floods an entire park.

We're safe, and so far the water seems to be receding. The kids were home today, and we're almost positive they'll be heading back tomorrow. That officially makes this the weirdest school week this year. (Mon-school, Tues- off, Wed- school, Thurs- off, Fri- ?.) We're forecasted to have sunny weather for a few days, give the river a chance to shrink. But as so many residents of Carnation will tell you:

This is only the beginning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stay dry. I'm glad that you are all well!

Everyday Christian Mom